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What's Happening at Wake County Republican Women

MARCH Meeting

3/20/25, 11:30 A.M.

University Club
4200 Hillsborough St.


Dr. Hanna Samir Kassab

Hanna Kassab Ph.D., is an assistant teaching professor at East Carolina University. He teaches International Security, Foreign Policy and Comparataive Politics.  He received his Doctorate degree from University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida.

He is specialized in Middle Eastern and European History, International Relation Theory and Security Studies.  He has written numerous publications including: 16 books, many, 4 scholarly articles, many journal publications, chapters and other works.  His latest book is Power Vacuums and Global Politics.
Dr. Kassab will speak to our club about, The Trump Doctrine.  What is it?  What does it mean? He will discuss the international system and ways to achieve national security in a globalized world. 

Disclaimer: Dr. Kassab is speaking as a private citizen and researcher.   All of his ideas are his own and not the representation of East Carolina University.


Topic - What is the Trump Doctrine? 

The Trump Doctrine advocates the defense of American interests globally to enhance the overall security and prosperity of the United States. But what does this mean? This presentation will briefly overview the international system and suggest ways to achieve national security in a globalized world. 

Topic - What is the Trump Doctrine? 

The Trump Doctrine advocates the defense of American interests globally to enhance the overall security and prosperity of the United States. But what does this mean? This presentation will briefly overview the international system and suggest ways to achieve national security in a globalized world. 

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